Class Viewer


public class Viewer extends Object

PDF Viewer

Run directly from jar with java -cp jpedal.jar org/jpedal/examples/viewer/Viewer

There are plenty of tutorials on how to configure the Viewer on our website Support Section.

If you want to implement your own there are tutorials at : Customizing the Viewer

We recommend you look at the full viewer as it is totally configurable and does everything for you.

Fully featured GUI viewer and demonstration of JPedal's capabilities.

This class provides the framework for the Viewer and calls other classes which provide the following functions:-

  • Values commonValues - repository for general settings.
  • PdfDecoder decode_pdf - PDF library and panel.
  • SwingThumbnailPanel thumbnails - provides a thumbnail pane down the left side of page - thumbnails can be clicked on to goto page.
  • PropertiesFile properties - saved values stored between sessions.
  • SwingGUI currentGUI - all Swing GUI functions.
  • SwingSearchWindow searchFrame (not GPL) - search Window to search pages and goto references on any page.
  • SwingCommands currentCommands - parses and executes all options.
  • Field Details

    • exitOnClose

      public static boolean exitOnClose
    • closeCalled

      public static boolean closeCalled
  • Constructor Details

    • Viewer

      public Viewer()
      setup and run client
    • Viewer

      public Viewer(Accessible rootContainer, String preferencesPath)
      setup and run client passing in parameter that points to the preferences file we should use. preferences file
      rootContainer - Is a swing component that the viewer is displayed inside
      preferencesPath - The path of the preferences file
    • Viewer

      public Viewer(String prefs)
      setup and run client passing in paramter that points to the preferences file we should use.
      prefs - Full path to xml file containing preferences
  • Method Details

    • getSearchResults

      public org.jpedal.examples.viewer.gui.swing.SearchList getSearchResults()
      Get the search results from a search performing in the Viewer. This is how users searching from a Viewer object can retrieve results if they wish to use them outside of the Viewer.
      SearchList object containing the current search results list
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      main method to run the software as standalone application
      args - Program arguments passed into the Viewer.
    • debug

      public static void debug(String[] args)
      run the viewer in debug mode
      args - Program arguments passed into the Viewer
    • getSwingGUI

      public org.jpedal.examples.viewer.gui.SwingGUI getSwingGUI()
      open the file passed in by user on startup (do not call directly) USED by our tests
      the current gui
    • openDefaultFile

      public void openDefaultFile(String defaultFile)
      defaultFile - Allow user to open PDF file to display
    • getPdfDecoder

      public PdfDecoderInt getPdfDecoder()
    • setRootContainer

      public void setRootContainer(Object rootContainer)
    • loadProperties

      public void loadProperties(String props)
      Should be called before setupViewer
      props - path to the properties file to load
    • setupViewer

      public void setupViewer()
      initialise and run client (default as Application in own Frame)
    • executeCommand

      @Deprecated(since="2023.01") public Object executeCommand(int commandID, Object[] args)
      Execute Jpedal functionality from outside the library using this method.

      commandID = Commands.OPENFILE, args = {"/PDFData/Hand_Test/crbtrader.pdf}"
      commandID = Commands.OPENFILE, args = {byte[] = {0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1}, "/PDFData/Hand_Test/crbtrader.pdf}"
      commandID = Commands.ROTATION, args = {"90"}
      commandID = Commands.OPENURL, args = {""}

      for full details see

      commandID - :: static int value from Commands to specify which command is wanted
      args - :: arguments for the desired command
      any returned value from executed command
    • executeCommand

      public Object executeCommand(ViewerCommands command, Object... args)
      Execute Jpedal functionality from outside the library using this method.

      command = Command.OPENFILE, args = {"/PDFData/Hand_Test/crbtrader.pdf}"
      command = Command.OPENFILE, args = {byte[] = {0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1}, "/PDFData/Hand_Test/crbtrader.pdf}"
      command = Command.ROTATION, args = {"90"}
      command = Command.OPENURL, args = {""}

      for full details see

      command - :: enum value from ViewerCommands to specify which command is wanted
      args - :: arguments for the desired command
      any returned value from executed command
    • getViewerValue

      public Object getViewerValue(ViewerValues value)
      Query the Viewer for the values it holds.
      value - :: enum value from ViewerValues to specify which value is wanted
      any returned value or null
    • getOutlinePanel

      public Object getOutlinePanel()
      Get the outline panel.
      the returned object is a SwingOutline panel
    • getThumbnailPanel

      public org.jpedal.examples.viewer.gui.swing.SwingThumbnailPanel getThumbnailPanel()
      Get the thumbnail panel.
      the returned object is a SwingThumbnailPanel
    • getPageGrouping

      public Object getPageGrouping(int pageNumber)
      Get the page grouping.
      pageNumber - the page number
      the PdfGrouping object for the page to access text content
    • getPageCounter

      public Object getPageCounter()
      Get the page counter
      the returned object is a JTextField
    • addExternalHandler

      public void addExternalHandler(Map<Integer,Object> newHandler, int type)
      Allows external helper classes to be added to JPedal to alter default functionality.

      If Options.FormsActionHandler is the type then the newHandler should be of the form org.jpedal.objects.acroforms.ActionHandler

      If Options.JPedalActionHandler is the type then the newHandler should be of the form Map which contains Command Integers, mapped onto their respective org.jpedal.examples.viewer.gui.swing.JPedalActionHandler implementations. For example, to create a custom help action, you would add to your map, Integer(Commands.HELP) -> JPedalActionHandler. For a tutorial on creating custom actions in the Viewer, see
      newHandler - Implementation of interface provided by IDR solutions
      type - Defined value into org.jpedal.external.Options class
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      run with caution and only at end of usage if you really need